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Feeding Programme

Day-old chicks must be handled with care. A flock that gets off to a good start is easier to control. It has a higher body weight at the start of the rearing process, is more uniform in size, has a better health status and reaches genetic potential more easily. There are a number of basic things for you to bear in mind;
Before chicks arrive, check that everything in the house is working properly: right temperature, there is enough fresh air coming in, feed and water and there is enough light.

Rearing & Feeding

Feed is the greatest expense in commercial poultry establishments. It is therefore important to buy feed from a reputable miller who can assure consistency in the quality and performance.

It is important to avoid mixing feeds from several millers, adding other protein sources (fish meal etc.) and mineral salts (DCP). This changes the balance in the feed, thereby affecting performance. Excess of some inputs also negatively affects the final product, for example, a fishy taste in eggs and meat caused by more than the recommended maximum of five per cent fish meal in feed.

To start a flock, feeder lids or plastic feeder trays (one per hundred chicks) should be used. The feed can also be spread on paper placed over the litter. Gradually, remove the feeder lids or trays, replacing them with adult feeders. By the time the birds are ten (I0) days old, all the lids and trays should have been removed. For healthy growth of the birds, it is important to provide adequate feeder space, as recommended below:

Up close chicks at a farm house
Type Of Feeder Recommended feeder space
TROUGH 5.0 cm per bird (minimum)
PANS (33cm Diameter) 30-50 birds per pan
TUBES (42cm Diameter) 30-50 birds per tube

Each type of bird has feeds specific to their growth as indicated below:

  • Broilers – Broilers Starter Crumbs / Mash from day 1 to 3 weeks of age. Broiler Finisher Pellets I Crumbs / Mash from 4 to 6 weeks of age.
  • Layers- Chicks & Duck Mash from day 1 to 8 weeks of age. Growers Mash from 9 to 18 weeks of age. Layers Complete Meal-from point of lay to the end of lay.

During the changing period of the rations, mix the two rations so that the change is gradual. An abrupt change is stressful to the birds and can affect performance. Vitamins can be provided during this time to reduce stress levels.

Feeding Programs


  • Fast Gro
  • Starter crumbs and mash (0 – 21 days)
  • Finisher pellets and mash (22 days to slaughter)
  • Fast Gro Advanced
  • Starter crumbs (0 – 10 days)
  • Grower pellets (11 – 24 days)
  • pellets (25 days to slaughter)


  • Chick & Duckling Mash (Week 1 – week 8)
  • Grower Mash (Week 9 – week 18 (Point of lay))
  • Layer compleat meal (From 18 weeks and during laying period)


  • Kienyeji Chick Mash (0-14 days)
  • Kienyeji Grower Mash
  • Day 15 to Day 28 day (meat producing)
  • Day 15 to point of lay (egg producing)
  • Kienyeji Finisher Mash (Day 29- slaughter) Kienyeji Layer Mash (Egg production)
  • Kienyeji Econ Mash (Day O to slaughter)
Broiler chicken drinking water from feeders in a farm house


Distribute drinkers evenly throughout the whole house, alternating them with the feeders so that they are easily accessible to all birds. No bird should walk more than 1.5 m to get either feed or drink. Provide one chick fount for 75 chicks during the first week and gradually replace them with the regular drinkers allowing space.


Type Of Drinker Recommended water space
TROUGH 2.0 cm per bird
BELL SHAPE (35cms Diameter) 6-9 per 1000 birds but not less than 4
NIPPLES 8-10 birds per nipple

Wash and disinfect chick drinkers daily. Ensure that the drinkers are filled with fresh water after washing. Ensure that the birds have access to wholesome drinking water at all times, and never allow the drinkers to go dry. In hot periods it is essential to provide the flock with cool water, as this will improve productivity. It is therefore extremely important to protect the water tanks from direct sunlight. Also, ensure that the tanks have a reflective surface.

Always adjust the drinker and feeder levels as the birds grow to ensure that the equipment is always slightly above the level of the birds’ backs. This minimises spillage. Use a reliable water sanitiser such as chlorine to control disease-producing organisms in the water.

Poultry Centres Near Me

Stop by any Kenchic Poultry Centre for feeds, day old chicks, specialized technical and lab assistance or a quick consult with one of our vets.

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